short films analysis
wasp the film opens up with a low angle tracking shot of the main peoples feet as they are walking down the stairs. this shows us the environment that they live in with the dirty floor and the main women of the short film wearing no shoes which could indicate what type of state this family is in which then cuts to a moving back tracking shot of all the people walking down the street all in quite worn clothes with the mother of the four children walking down in what looks to be a night gown holding the baby who isn't properly dressed showing the state in which all of them are living in. after the title card it cuts to a shot of the women banging aggressively on someones door with a high angle on the kids to show how they are looking up to there mother who is not being a good role model by proceeding to shout swear words and fight a women in the middle of the street with her kids watching. while the mother is pinned down her oldest child proceeds...