Post/write-up a short analysis of 1 sequence of your choice

Back to the future part 2: Rooftop scene

The Scene begins with a low angle shot of Marty jumping of a rail which is follow by a cut to a to high angle tracking shot which follows him up to the roof. Then it does a cut to Marty running to the edge of the building in a medium long shot to a medium shot which cuts to a bird’s eye view or crane shot to show the audience the height of the tower symbolising the danger he is in. we then get a long shot of the roof top with Marty in the distance as Biff enters. We then get a shot reverse shot between Biff and Marty which is shot into quarters with Biff on the left side of the screen and Marty on the Right side of the screen throughout their dialogue between each other. We then get another the shoulder shot of Biff’s point of view with his gun showing the audience the two possible ways the scene could go. We then get a medium close up shot of Marty to show a reaction shot when he finds out the news about his dad to allow the audience to connect with Marty and so they can understand the type of person Biff is. It then cuts to Marty falling off the building with a tracking shot which cuts to a reaction shot of Biff showing his confusion to what just happened which could symbolise the same reaction the audience would have seeing the main protagonist jumping of the roof. This is also a shot reverse shot of Biff’s reaction to the spot of Marty’s spot on the roof in a quick time to show how the scene quickly escalated. We then get a handheld tracking shot of Biff making his way to the edge on the right side of the screen as Marty slowly rises on the left side on the screen turning it into a two shot and showing the quadrant rule due to the characters being on either side of the screen. We then get a low angle shot of Marty on top of the DeLorean cutting to a high angle shot of a knocked-out Biff on the roof of the building showing how Marty makes it out on top after each one of their encounters in the trilogy. We then get an establishing shot of Biff’s tower as it tracks the DeLorean as it flies towards the camera into a transition into the next scene.
By Finley Spooner 😊


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