With close reference to one scene from "Pan's Labyrinth" explore how cinematography and mise-en-scene create meaning.

Question: With close reference to one scene from "Pan's Labyrinth" explore how cinematography and mise-en-scene create meaning. Pale man scene

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypBj0xDP-io

the scene begins with an establishing shot of Ofelia's bedroom with a faint top lighting to show her reading the book the Faun gave her so she can understand the quest he has gave her. We are then given a panning shot of the book to show what is being for shadowed. It then transitions to a close up tracking shot of the chalk as Ofelia draws a doorway on her wall as the Faun goes over the instructions which is dietetic because Ofelia can hear the Faun's voice on what to do showing that she is has no choice but to do what she is told otherwise she will die. this is representative of what happens in reality due to if you do not do as your told by authorities you will inevitably die due to disobedience. we get a tracking shot as it follows Ofelia's hand following the door between reality and the fantasy and how it overlaps with each other. We then have a long shot of the corridor which is on a moving back dolly into the pale mans lair with Ofelia looking through showing her retaliation but how she is forced to follow orders so it shows her lack of choice and how he is forced to do things she does not want to do. This scene also shows the contrast of colors and lighting between the fantasy and reality with the real world being dark and low key lighting while the fantasy world has a much brighter color palette but with low key lighting as well as the real world showing their both as bad as each other. 
The scene transitions to Ofelia looking back into the real world while she is in the corridor in the fantasy world to show her still holding onto reality. it then transitions to an over the shoulder shot of Ofelia looking towards the table with all the food and a single pale man sitting at the end in front of a fire in focus to show its importance. This represents the dinner table scene due to people being Rationed while people in command eat like kings. The pale man is also i the same seat as the Captain to show he rules which is exactly like a beast or monster. It then cuts to a mid shot of Ofelia as it tracks her walking down towards the end of the table while staring at the food showing how limited the food was to the poor but hoarded for the rich and put out on display while the people starved. we then witness Ofelia's expressions once she reaches the Pale Man by her jumping. We can see his face clearly showing his lack of eyes which is a common theme throughout the film showing how the people in Spain in 1944 could not speak out about what they saw. It then cuts to a low angle panning shot of paintings of the pale man devouring children which is an inter textual reference to Goya who was a painter who essentially went crazy and drew pictures of people eating people. It is also a reference to the Pale Man being castrated so instead of bringing children into the world he brings them out of this world. we then have a close up of Ofelia's shocked expression to show people's views of that time. The next shot is of a low angle of a pile of children shoes and Ofelia in a long shot to show a distant reaction shot. the shoes are also a inter textual reference to the holocaust which could show the similarities between Spanish citizens and the Jews around the same time to show how they are both mistreated by authorities in society. it then transitions to a mid close up of Ofelia with the Pale Man in the background not in depth showing he is always close no matter if your concentrating or not which could reference how people in Spain were always monitored without their knowing. we then get a close up of the key holes which were four told in the book resemble screaming children. We then get a mid shot of Ofelia revealing the key which  initiates a Foley sound which sounds like a fairy tale like chime play. This shows us the importance of the key to the story both in the real world with the key to the store room and the key to the locked tiny door in the fantasy world. After this we get a high angle over the shoulder shot of Ofelia wielding the blade to allow the audience to know that it is important to the story and allows them to guess what it could be used for in the story later on showing foreshadowing. It also makes a glistening Foley sound to show its mystical nature. we then get a tracking zooming shot on Ofelia which the depth of field only focuses on Ofelia as the camera gets closer to her to show how she is thinking/tempted by the food on the table which in this case is the grapes. the grapes on the Pale Man's table shows how the people of Spain can take something as little as a grape or two to survive in the time of the civil war can lead to their death due to the strict laws and the power crazy people in charge in Spain around 1944. The grapes could also symbolize the Pale Man's testicles due to him being castrated by the looks of things giving the audience an explanation to why he might eat children due to him being angry about having no balls. We then get a over the shoulder shot of Ofelia looking at the Pale man which switches the depth of field from Ofelia to the Pale Man to show her questioning what shes about to do.


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