Cinematic Ideas:

We mainly used close up shots. This would mainly reflect on the boy's somewhat unnatural fixation on this girl. An example of this is when he’s glancing repeatedly at her during the opening. Opposingly, the close-ups on the girl subtly reflect her discomfort/nonchalant behavior towards the boy as she doesn’t really care for/see him. During the end in the tunnel, we use a long shot to present the idea of danger, and later during the confrontation with the attacker, we use extreme close up shot to show tension/fear in the boy. Furthermore, a subtle tilt is used when the boy is leaning on the rail to foreshadow his uneasy demise. Most of the sound in the end sequence is non-diegetic, with that being the atmospheric music and heart rate monitor. That’s not to say that we didn’t use diegetic sound at all, as the grunts and impact noises are all diegetic. We briefly considered using foley sound to accentuate those impacts and convey more pain, but ultimately decided against it as time was dwindling. Finally, as the girl approached the dying boy, we used a high angle to emphasise the direness of the situation.


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